Thursday, November 30, 2006

KSUL Broadcaster Update

Dave Burchett (Dave Randall) came in 4th in this years listener poll for LA overnight radio personalities for his fine work on KRTH, ironically beating out KKJZ (no personality named) -- they came in 10th.

Kim Amidon continues her successful run on KOST as part of the longest running morning show team in LA radio history.

John Palmintari has confirmed that he is NOT Jamaican even though he is the King of Santa Barbara broadcasting working as a TV feature reporter for KEYT Channel 3 and reporting the news at KJEE 92.9FM and KCLU 102.3FM.

Phil Hulett continues to be the "go to guy" anchoring around the clock at KFWB.

Paul Sakrison continues as the chief engineering guru at KFWB/KNX.

Dennis Clare, along with his duties at as operations director, is working for the ABC Radio Network on various shows and currently working on the nationally syndicated Al B. Sure "Secret Garden" show.

...and, yes, I'm still with the nationally syndicated Tom Joyner Morning Show (100 markets), which airs locally mornings on 100.3 KKBT, where I am the west coast producer and contributor to rock writer Dave Marsh's "Kick Out the Jams" on Sirius Satellite radio.

It appears, at this point, that Saul Levine's Mt.Wilson Broadcasting will soon be operating KKJZ for CSULB. Tom Mullins and myself continue to try and talk to someone -- anyone into bringing back a meaningful student radio program (like the one that trained the above superstars). With KKJZ operating with the newest technology of HD radio, it's our hope that we might be able to apprehend a "subchannel" for students to broadcast on, that won't effect the "main channel" -- the University's showcase and money making machine. Don't hold your breath on this one because the University is sold on the prospect of student "interns" at KKJZ and we all know how effective internships are in broadcasting.

Recently, in one of Long Beach's finer pubs, a meeting of the minds of Kevin Poore, Dave Burchett, Kevin Glenn, Mike Ballinger and myself, accomplished absolutely nothing, but to confirm that KSUL built bonds that are as fresh today as it was when we got booted off campus 30 years ago. Taking the "reunion" concept one step further than we did this last summer was discussed over several brews, but Dave Burchett is probably the only one that is clear on that discussion because he wasn't drinking. I'll get back to you on any future plans once I go over the details with Dave.

If you have any news about KSUL Alumni -- send it my way. I'll pass it on to the masses.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


There are those that consider my rants about students actually operating a university owned radio station as crazed, dazed and confused. Here are two e-mails from One from an absolute veteran of LA radio - Roger Carroll. I don't know Roger. We've never met. I've respected his work at numerous LA radio stations and respect him even more now. The other is from our own Phil Hulett, answering Roger's e-mail submission. Along with these submissions I've added an e-mail that I got, concerning this discussion, from former KSUL GM Bill McMullen.

Who can even guess anymore what the University is thinking. I do know that in the long run their decision will effect a segment of Alumni support of the college, but I don't even think they care about that either.

Mike Stark

We GET Email…

** KKJZ Conspiracy?“Why doesn't Saul Levine name these people who claim he will change the format at KKJZ. IMHO a commercial radio station should not be allowed to operate a non-commercial college radio station.

I would suggest the board get someone like Chuck Southcott who really knows the radio business to run the station with some pros who could help the students and use the talents of the students taking broadcasting. Saul did drop the Jazz format for Classical, but I commend him for a very smart move. The format change made the station a huge profit center. Footnote for Chuck, you may not be looking for a gig, but you would be the man.” – Roger Carroll

**Regarding Roger Carroll's comments.....In the second paragraph, Roger may be commenting based on an erroneous assumption that CSULB, like any other college, has a ready supply of students taking "broadcasting." This is not the case, and hasn't been since 1981 when the school booted students out of college radio in favor of hiring "pros" to run the newly acquired KLON. Under the assumption, Roger makes total sense. Under the reality, not only would the station need a guy like Chuck, but another individual to propose, get approval on, and build a new department. Then this new department would have to actively recruit students who want to be broadcasters. That would take a long-term commitment on the part of CSULB, and thoseof us who were Radio/TV majors at CSULB pre-KLON, myself included, know where "The Beach" stands on a commitment to broadcasting - Phil Hulett, KFWB News Anchor, Anaheim Ducks Public Address Announcer, Co-Founder KNAC.COMRadio, Broadcasting Instructor, Mt. San Antonio College

Mike -

It truely is amazing how money dictates whatever we do. Well not just money, but politics and money - I do not honestly believe that either one of us are idealistic, but also would like to believe that in order for us to continue to grow as individuals we mentor those that follow us, and not for personal gain, but rather the pure enjoyment of seeing success in others....some how this concept has gone haywire at the beuraucratic level - even noted in Roger's comments with regard to the "profit center". I can still hear Roger on the old KMPC saying, "Hi, this is Roger Carroll and I play records." - or Sandy MacMillian praising the genius of Chuck Southcott - wonder if we will ever get to that point again - where students have "hands on" opportunities at CSULB?
